News, Knowledge & Reports
- Physical constants for air and water (499 KB)
- Amortization costs of HR-Systems (103 KB)
- Quo Vadis Energy Recovery (564 KB)
- Correctly air cooler calculation (804 KB)
- Pillow plate heat exchanger (533 KB)
- DLLs for air handling unit software (422 KB)
- Maximal number of circuits (NC) (236 KB)
- Microsoft-Bullshit-Software (109 KB)
- Exam versus practice (325 KB)
- Putin-Understander (173 KB)
- Cooling demand Swiss (2 MB)
- Eurovent membership necessity or not (183 KB)
- Federal Council-SIA-SWKI-Bullshit (755 KB)
- Explanations to the AHH software (453 KB)
- Background knowledge (4 MB)
- Addendum (1 MB)
- Maximum relative humidity of the air (239 KB)
- Cooler part-load behavior (161 KB)
- Simplified cooling load calculation (779 KB)
- Accuracy of the data for air humid (249 KB)
- Different types of flow (159 KB)
- HVAC standard definitions (271 KB)
- New refrigerants (63 KB)
- Upgrade on 2022 (340 KB)
- Air dehumidification (376 KB)
- Energy recovery with regenerators (417 KB)
- Heat recovery with smooth tube HE (771 KB)
- Air heater with multi-stage steam (441 KB)
- Heat exchangers for vacuum drying (317 KB)
- Brine-Re-cooler (640 KB)
- Harmfull vapor recovery (438 KB)
- Evaporative re-cooler (718 KB)
- Frost protection (94 KB)
- Brine-Concentration-Frost (50 KB)
- Permitted brines in the food sector (549 KB)
- The half surface its enough (171 KB)
- Evaporator circulations (253 KB)
- Capillary pressure drop (277 KB)
- Tubular heat exchanger (256 KB)
- Desiccant systems (1,024 KB)
- Stable air outlet temperature (589 KB)
- Greenhouse air conditioning (562 KB)
- Microchannel finned heat exchanger (673 KB)